Monday, October 17, 2016

Give Me Your Feedback

We have new address now: 
Please share your feedback there, specifically: 

If you comment here what you want in the software, I will consider adding it next version.

What's new in Version 3 (Latest release version 3.2 on 10-June-2024):
1. Excellent PNG compression. Thanks to optipng and pngquant projects.
2. Better image resize algorithm. Image, especially PNG, looks better when dimension are reduced.
3. Live quality viewer when you choose folder to compress. It helps your to select correct compression parameters.
4. Added support to filter images based on size (greater than 'x').
5. Other minor fixes in JPEG compression to compress with optimum quality for images that are already compressed with Mass Image Compressor.
6. [Version 3.1 +] Saves JPEG more optimized and as "progressive jpeg" to load the image faster on webpages. It is important to many web developers (Thanks to JPEG-Turbo project)
7. [Version 3.2 +] Drag & Drop directory to compress.

Considering below for Version 4 (next). All may not be possible:

1. Right Click Compress. Try supporting right click to multiple images (to live upto name 'mass')
2. Bug fixes. Crash when monkey playing slider (quality and dimension) on slow machines. (Corrected in 3.1 Release)
3. If result is larger for 100% dimension, don't compress. (Corrected in 3.1 Release)

Future release:
1. Support WebP ? Problem: WebP is not very popular yet.
2. Support PNG Animation. Problem: PNG Animation is not supported yet by PNG group.
3. Easy "Actual" vs "Compressed" viewer. Complex UI when image dimensions are change. Any idea on how UI should look are welcome.

Introduction to Hassle Free Image Compression

We have new address now: 
Please share your feedback there, specifically: 

Mass Image Compressor Main Window

Click here to download Mass Image Compressor.

When do you need it?

Situation 1, Posting Images over Internet: You are just back for an exiting trip. You’ve just dump all pics from your camera to your computer and now you want to e-mail to you friend or Upload to your blog. Clearly, you can do that because of image size on the disk will be huge. This is because these images are optimized for clear printings and not for web postings. They are enormous in dimension and unnecessary high quality for viewing on computer monitor. You need software which can reduce quality and dimension. Most software available in market requires you to go to each image and compress them using that software. But with Mass Image Compressor it’s just matter of few clicks. Just give a folder address to the software and, if you want, give precise parameter about resultant quality, dimension of the image and output directory. All your images will be less in size in matter of seconds. And don’t worry, it doesn’t change original images unless you give input and output directory same.

Situation 2, Store to mobile device: Let’s say you have captured many images from your mobile. Mobile also takes images which are very high quality and big in size which you may want to see on your PC monitor. But it’s inappropriate to keep such huge images on you mobile keeping in mind the speed and memory of mobile processor, anyways you don’t see very “zoomed out” version on your mobile screen. Then why not transfer high quality images to your PC and let the mobile have small images? Here, the tedious part, compressing all images is what you can leave on the Mass Image Compressor and save your time and can get faster out of you phone.

Situation 3, Optimize your website or Game: People have lot of images (jpeg and png) in their website. Optimizing them is tedious task and many time you don't have control or know-how on how to optimize the images size for website. Mass Image Compressor does it in single click (with option "Compress Images of All Child Directories"). Now with Version 3 and above, you will really be amazed to see how well it deals with PNGs images (thanks to code improvements and industry standard open source projects like pngquant and optiPNG).

Why Mass Image Compressor?
  1. It says what it does, and does it really well! Much better than the highly paid software available in market today. Also, it support raw image format of YOUR camera.
  2. It’s truly free. It’s published under GNU/GPL which is most popular for real free software. Source code is open to use under this license. 
  3. Unlike other software, you don’t have to go to each image and say ‘compress it’. Just giving folder path (i.e. directory full path) is enough. Version 2.0 and above supports recursive folder search and image compression!!
  4. Compress as much as you want. You have control over quality and dimension (i.e. Compression Parameters) of the resultant image. You can test your compression parameters by previewing an image. It also shows you how much % compression you may achieve.
  5. Supports wide range of images including most popular JPEG, BMP, WMF, TIFF, PNG. (Note: Compressed images will be in either JEPG or PNG based on your selection)
  6. No Spyware. It's an open source software. You don't make a trojan horse with glass :)
  7. Easy to use User Interface without much complexity but yet powerful functionalities.

Where do I get it?

Download from SourceForge:

Download Mass Image Compressor

Looking for Mac version of Mass Image Compressor? It's here: and download from 
Note that our macOS app is not an open source application but it's secured by Apple's review system and safety.