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Click here to download Mass Image Compressor.
When do you need it?
Situation 1, Posting Images over Internet: You are just back for an exiting trip. You’ve just dump all pics from your camera to your computer and now you want to e-mail to you friend or Upload to your blog. Clearly, you can do that because of image size on the disk will be huge. This is because these images are optimized for clear printings and not for web postings. They are enormous in dimension and unnecessary high quality for viewing on computer monitor. You need software which can reduce quality and dimension. Most software available in market requires you to go to each image and compress them using that software. But with Mass Image Compressor it’s just matter of few clicks. Just give a folder address to the software and, if you want, give precise parameter about resultant quality, dimension of the image and output directory. All your images will be less in size in matter of seconds. And don’t worry, it doesn’t change original images unless you give input and output directory same.
Situation 2, Store to mobile device: Let’s say you have captured many images from your mobile. Mobile also takes images which are very high quality and big in size which you may want to see on your PC monitor. But it’s inappropriate to keep such huge images on you mobile keeping in mind the speed and memory of mobile processor, anyways you don’t see very “zoomed out” version on your mobile screen. Then why not transfer high quality images to your PC and let the mobile have small images? Here, the tedious part, compressing all images is what you can leave on the Mass Image Compressor and save your time and can get faster out of you phone.
Situation 3, Optimize your website or Game: People have lot of images (jpeg and png) in their website. Optimizing them is tedious task and many time you don't have control or know-how on how to optimize the images size for website. Mass Image Compressor does it in single click (with option "Compress Images of All Child Directories"). Now with Version 3 and above, you will really be amazed to see how well it deals with PNGs images (thanks to code improvements and industry standard open source projects like pngquant and optiPNG).
Why Mass Image Compressor?
- It says what it does, and does it really well! Much better than the highly paid software available in market today. Also, it support raw image format of YOUR camera.
- It’s truly free. It’s published under GNU/GPL which is most popular for real free software. Source code is open to use under this license.
- Unlike other software, you don’t have to go to each image and say ‘compress it’. Just giving folder path (i.e. directory full path) is enough. Version 2.0 and above supports recursive folder search and image compression!!
- Compress as much as you want. You have control over quality and dimension (i.e. Compression Parameters) of the resultant image. You can test your compression parameters by previewing an image. It also shows you how much % compression you may achieve.
- Supports wide range of images including most popular JPEG, BMP, WMF, TIFF, PNG. (Note: Compressed images will be in either JEPG or PNG based on your selection)
- No Spyware. It's an open source software. You don't make a trojan horse with glass :)
- Easy to use User Interface without much complexity but yet powerful functionalities.
Where do I get it?
Download from SourceForge:
Looking for Mac version of Mass Image Compressor? It's here: https://mic.cognirush.com/macos/ and download from https://apps.apple.com/app/id6670366523
Note that our macOS app is not an open source application but it's secured by Apple's review system and safety.
Crap, i am the first to comment..
But dude you are awesome,You did a great job.
It was just what i wanted.
I had almost 600 images to compress,Thanks..
oh, you can visit my blog as well maybe you could find some useful stuff there.
I love this program! It does exactly what I want it to do... almost. It will do the compression exactly as I want, but I would like it a little more if it could compress multiple files within multiple folders and retain the folder names in the destination directory... or is it already possible? I am looking over the program and experimenting with it and I haven't found that yet. I have 40 years of photographs to work with and I dread reading in one folder after another (dozens and dozens!). Still, this is an excellent program and every bit as good as the commercial ones - not as fancy GUI but who cares? Only a twit worries about what the program looks like when it works perfectly!
Image Compression works by reducing the amount of visible information. So whereas the original picture might be able to display 65 million colors, since the eye can not differentiate between anywhere near this number of colors the software is going through and removing colors that are not needed. The actual complexity of the algorithms is far more complex than that, and beyond the scope of this response. But the threshold (assuming I understand your context correctly) has to do with how the algorithm decides what information to throw away and what information to keep, and thus will affect the resulting quality and size of the image after compressions.
Best for me......... it saves many hours...
Have yet to try it but screenshot suggests that it does not enable the user to apply compression only to files above a certain size or to have compression objectives scaled to size. That is what I'm looking for.
Great program - Does exactly what it should.
I'm missing only a feature like adding certain conditions to decide if an image is compressed or not.
For example "only compress if size is bigger than 2MB" or "only compress if resolution is higher than 1280x1024".
Background is, that I'd like to compress a network share with thousands of pics in many subfolders. Problem is, that those pics differ dramatically in size and resolution because they were taken the last 10 years or so.
So if I compress all images it works well on the newer ones, but wracks havoc on the old ones.
I think many people have this problem too, so it would be great if you would add this feature!
Thanks in advance :)
I tried your program, and it works. But for some reason it gives a lot of my jpeg black backgrounds? Can I do something to prevent this? And why is this.
This program did exactly what it said it would.
Very nice!
Thanks for your awesome app.
If it could accept arguments it would the best image compressor ever (at least for me :) ). What I mean is something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Mass Image Compressor V.2\MICompressor.exe" -src "e:\image.png" -quality 70 -dst "e:\newimage.jpg"
In fact, In need this feature, to be able to use the app via keybord shortcut.
FAN-T-A-S-T-I-C software, thank you! I noticed that it is possible to compress images that have been compressed. There are good reasons for this, but I wonder if it might be possible to have an option to only compress images that have not already been compressed... this way user can keep running against the same folder and only compressing images since the last time it was performed. I see a file attribute in the compressed image (File Description Comments = Mass Image Compressor Co) perhaps that could be used to determine viability for compression.
I agree with Charaf, any command line available for this?
I recently needed to reinstall this on a new computer and it says that I need 3.5 of net framework, but my computer has a much newer version and doesn't want to install the old version. Is there a solution so I can still use your great program?
i used to use websites to compress my files, but that was slow and you could not controll the quality to much at all. this program is amazing! an automode that compresses it as much as possible before you loose quality. i dont know, it would be neat having it do it for you
I selected a folder with PNG images, set the quality to 10%.
I chose "Don't change file type."
I clicked "Compress all".
The message box appeared "23 images compressed in 0 seconds.".
The images were 80kb before and after compressing they are 134kb.
What am I doing wrong?
@kembreg, PNG images are not being compressed properly. I will update the software to use OptiPNG software next version 4.0
Does this use Lossless or Lossy?
First, great great job.
Second: was wondering if there is any way to embed your M.I.C into Windows' context (explorer) menu (i.e, Right-click to choose M.I.C.)
@Hashem M. Ibrahim , I want to add support to context menu. I will do that for next release.
@Dade Ronan , JPEG is lossy. PNG is lossless if you set quality to 100%. Otherwise it will be lossy (you probably won't find much difference).
@Heston Stein , I've seen this problem. It happens mainly in corporate environment due to security reasons. Is that the case for you?
Excellent program.
Something to look at could be an option to continue on error and then present all errors in some form of log file after the entire operation has been completed. I had some long-named folders and the program threw an error, but then all compression operations stopped even though it appeared to be continuing in the foreground.
@donpantini , thanks for the bug report. I will fix it in next version.
can not install on Windows 10. Setup asks for installation of .NET Framework v3.5 (system has newer version).
@vise, you can try installing .NET Framework v3.5 as suggested here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/install/dotnet-35-windows-10
Thank you, it worked.
Thanks, this is a really great program. It has managed to reduce the size of my projects folder by a large amount. I only wish it would save your settings, such as the directory and compression parameters, so you don't have to do it every time, but that's just something minor.
AVG reports ransomware. Blocked the app. Anyone else had the same problem? Downloaded this from SourceForge.
If I had marked in version 2 (Compress Images All Child Directory), then he has overwritten the pictures. at V3, the images are still stored in a new directory (Compressed). Unless I change before each process, the target directory, which is actually disabled, if one selects the above-mentioned point.
I want to translate this program to Turkish.
Useful software, but unfortunately when compressing files it changes the DPI of images to 96 dpi.
If you have for example an image format PNG with 300 DPI, after compression you obtain 96 DPI output.
The software doesn't keep the same DPI of the image.
Wish to fix that in your next release.
Really Awesome work and help to everyone
Hey Yogee!! Great work Thanks
I want to do a image compression on a folder where images are added realtime. Is there a way to specify software to compress only the files which have been added in last 24 hours ? So that it does not have to compress all the already compressed files again.
@BK Sourabh, If you don't reduce dimensions, the software will not compress the images again.
You've been an inspiration to me. I love how you're so kind and selfless.You do such Good Things for people, and it makes me want to be a better person. Thank you!
Yo, good software, is there a way to exclude certain file types when running the compression.
For example I want to exclude tif files as they can have multiple images in them but when you run the image compressor on a tif file it leaves it with just the 1st image and you lose any other images that were in the tif file.
Is it possible to make this to run with task scheduler?
This is a good little application, but it seems the site has been dead since 2016. I had a couple of questions, but it appears that the author never responses to a comment. Oh well.
thanks, you saved me a lot of time
Subject:Invitation to collaborate in Usability Survey
Dear Users,
Our names are: Jeandavid Cabrera, Jonathan Cevallos and Dennisse Zambrano. We have started a course project with the title: "Adoption of the integrative design Technique in the Open-Source Software Development Process" at the Quevedo State Technical University.
When working with Open Source Software, it is likely that you have noticed that some applications are not easy, fast and accessible to use. With this research we provide empirical evidence to solve many usability issues unknown to the Mass Image Compressor community. In order to achieve this goal, first of all your collaboration is required, by answering a survey with the purpose of finding out what are the characteristics of the possible user profiles of Mass Image Compressor.
At the end of the survey, the answers will be analyzed. The result of this analysis will be shared with the Mass Image Compressor developer community to improve the user experience with Mass Image Compressor.
The survey is anonymous and will take a maximum of 15 minutes to complete. Here is the link to the survey:
The deadline to complete the survey is July 22, 2022. We hope you will please respond to the survey in the shortest time possible to continue our research. We greatly appreciate the time you will take to complete the survey. Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Jeandavid Cabrera, Jonathan Cevallos and Dennisse Zambrano.
É exatamente o que o colega falou aí nos comentários. A compactação funciona limitando a quantidade de informações visíveis em um arquivo de imagem, ou até mesmo um vídeo. No meu caso, o arquivo de origem tinha o Tamanho de 17MB e Resolução de 23568 x 16944. Ou seja, era uma imagem de alta resolução que já tinha sido editada em um software Upscaler IA (Inteligência Artificial), a fim de aumentar a resolução da imagem e reconstruír os pixels perdidos.
Ao enviar tal imagem para o Mass Image Compressor, observei que as opções (New Dimension In %) e Quality (In %), permitem manter o equilíbrio entre a qualidade e o tamanho do arquivo final. E você pode fazer isso usando as barras de porcentagens, setas acima ou abaixo ou inserindo os valores em seus respectivos campos ao lado direito.
Nas minhas configurações, para se obter um arquivo de tamanho bem reduzido e sem perder totalmente a qualidade, com uma resposta de resolução muito boa, foi necessário escolher o formato JPEG para salvar o arquivo de saída. O formato JPEG é um arquivo praticamente quase sem perdas perceptíveis na resolução, sendo uma ótima opção para quem deseja um arquivo mais leve, de alta qualidade e com o menor tamanho possível.
Para isso marquei a opção (Save as JPEG), configurei 32% para opção Quality (in %) e 46% para opção (New Dimension In %) e o resultado foi muito bom.
O arquivo original tinha 17MB e resolução de 23568 x 16944, e foi reduzido para 860KB com resolução de 10841 x 7794. O arquivo final foi bem compactado, quase sem perdas e com ótima qualidade ao ampliá-lo 10 vezes no Visualizador de Imagens do Windows, praticamente a metade do original.
Não foi preciso alterar a resolução do arquivo de imagem original, tudo ficou a cargo do programa. Na minha opnião, este tipo de programa é mais útil quando se tem várias imagens com o tamanho acima de 1MB, menor que isso não compensa. Farei mais testes no programa, usando outras opções caso as encontre.
Thank you for providing this utility!
This is exactly what I'm looking for. If this project is not dead, I have a few config questions:
I'm running v3.1
1. Is there a log file created anywhere?
2. Is there an option to retain metadata such as Date Created? (I see comments that it should retain those details, but in my testing it will overwrite it.
3. More of a comment: There is a missing option for the "compress images of all child directories" check box. This setting shows it will overwrite files, however, it only overwrites original files if there are in fact child directories. If you select a folder with no subfolders, it does not overwrite, it creates a separate Compressed Folder. This is confusing because these are really two different options.
4. I would like to run this against a massive image database (a folder with thousands of subfolders, and about 3 million images files (.tiff files.) Has anyone tested this kind of project? Any reason to think the Mass Image Compressor would fail on this much data?
thank you again
Hi broo great work, as a photographer i use this to compress all files of an event and share to them, it will be so good if you add watermark option also to this, Looking up for getting you a beer
I am working on next version, but it will on Mac. I will see if I can add watermark option
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